Influencer driven destination marketing

Do you want a traveller’s perspective description from your destination? We collaborate with both Norwegian and international destinations to create interesting and more profitable blog posts published on describing your offer, destination or activity. The posts always includes photos and text and sometimes also videos. The number of blog posts varies according to the set schedule and is agreed upon in advance.

Of course, on such a trip, all social channels are used diligently during the journey, also known as Real-Time Storytelling. Frequent updates on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is given. If you want video clips from the destination or a particular activity, we will arrange this as well. We can also do live broadcast and do take takeovers of your social channels. After the trip all blog posts and videos will be linked to our facebook page and twitter. For increased visibility, the posts can also be boosted through purchased views on facebook. Blog posts and movies can of course be used by the client for marketing purposes on social and digital channels. We can also write articles for our client’s own channels, such as blog, website, customer magazine or advertorials. Ask for prices.

Sponsored post

Do you have an ongoing campaign or launching something you want to share twardso a travel interested audience? Let’s get lost can write and publish engaging sponsored blog posts featuring your campaign, destination, competition or brand.

Ask for price 


Do you need content for your channels?

We can deliver blog posts and articles for your channels, like blog, website, magazine or advertorials. We also deliver hight quality photos and produce promotional videos.

Ask for price


We help you create, run, monitor, measure and evaluate digital destination marketing campaigns.

We have several satisfied national and international customers.

Ask for case studies for results and feedback from previous clients.


We offer banner ads, text links, product reviews and advertorials on the blog.

We can also help amplify your ongoing campaign through our social media channels, like Facebook and Instagram.

Contact us for prices




How do you build a successful marketing campaign using social media? How to practice Real-Time storytelling? How to work with digital storytellers and influencers?

We tailor workshops and sessions for you and your co-workers in the art of using digital and sovial media channels in destination marketing, content production and creative workshops.

Do you want to improve your blogger skills? We can offer workshops for bloggers and influencers interested in becoming a more professional blogger.

Speaking sessions

Speaking sessions

Destination marketing and digital storytellers: How do you choose the right partners? What work method is the most effective? What’s the up and coming digital and social media channels and how do you implement a digital campaign into your marketing strategy?

Janicke is frequently speaking in Norway and abroad and has participated as a speaker during New York Travel Festival, ITE HCMC in Vietnam, Matka Nordic Travel Fair in Helsinki, World Tourism Forum in Istanbul og BBCon in Stockholm to mention a few.

Benchmarking og analysis

Benchmarking og analysis

Do you know what your competitors are doing in the digital marketing landscape? How do they collaborate with influencers, what do they post, how often and is it effective?

We are offering Benchmarking and detailed analysis of the market and your competitors to improve your decision making process to be based on facts, not assumptions.

We also offer a thoroughly analysis of the customer reviews left on TripAdvisor to help you improve your product and raise the service level.

Some of our clients

Contact us for an offer or suggestion on how we can work together to promote your products, brand or destination

10 + 13 =

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